Monday, October 12, 2009

shock and awe

It's been awhile since I've posted anything, were to begin... We still have our foster daughter and she's precious (drives me nuts sometimes but what kid doesn't!) She'll be one in a couple weeks so we're going to celebrate her day with family and friends. Owen is in preschool, can't believe it. He's also in AWANA and really enjoys it. Kevin's back to being a small group leader in our jr. high youth group, I don't know how he does it. On paper he has about 15 7th graders, I could be off a few and there might be a 6th grader here and there, not 100% sure. Bless his heart, I certainly couldn't do it. Oh yeah, WE'RE PREGNANT!! Due in April 2010 so makes me about 3 month, that's were the shock and awe come in. Still in shock and not real sure when I'll come out of it. God sure is at work.


Amy Bell said...

i read your facebook today witha lump in my throat...can't even believe how good the Lord was to you and your family....what an amazing story. can't wait to meet the next member of the family!


Rachel said...

I'll say it again, April is a great time of year to have a baby. I'm rejoicing for the big things- like the pregnancy and over the little things like getting to have him/her in the Spring! :) And then I'm covering all of it with heavy doses of prayer.

p.s. Love this song. :)