Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I get to take Owen to his second class today! It was fun watching him last week, he is sooo not his mom, the kid is so social!


So....due to my clumsiness I'm the most "popular" mom in Owen's class! To make a long story short, I made a complete fool of myself by tripping on my flip flops, sliding across the gym floor with my rearend up in the air in front of his class and the whole place gasps...I try and recover as best I can and make light of the situation with the gymnastics "stuck-it" pose but really, it doesn't help. Everyone knows me now, so much for being unnoticed and quiet and not having to talk with anyone...


Rachel said...

What, you? You mean you don't walk into a room full of people you don't know and wave and smile to all of them? :)

Good thing God made you Becky and no one else or His job for you would never get done. :(

Rachel said...

Hey, I care. LOL I actually had that same thought.

Rachel said...

LOL Well, sometimes He forces us out of our comfort zone. LOL

Anonymous said...

I can ONLY imagine being in the situation - like you... I don't like situations where I don't know others. I would have DIED had I put on the "show" that you did. I have to say - it was quite funny reading your blog though and trying to picture it. Thanks for making me laugh! :-)

Amy Bell said...

that is so funny....i can't imagine the blog!

Rachel said...

you know I love the new song choice. :)