Sunday, November 2, 2008


Something most people don't know about me is that I've been an Image Consultant with BeautiControl for about 7 years, I haven't advertised it much. Thought I would put a link to my webpage on here for anyone who would like to check out some of the products. They have great makeup and GREAT skincare!! I also thinks it's very affordable. My favorites are...herbal serenity products-they smell soooo good, all the skincare, wet/dry foundations-you can use it wet or dry! extreme repair hand lotion-especially during the colder months which are coming up quickly, lip apeel and lip balm-talk about kissable lips that look younger! Have fun looking around at all they have to offer!


Rachel said...

this reminds me that you may have a lip balm or something I had you order long ago, but told you I wouldn't actually buy from you for awhile.

Rachel said...

whoops! That was the letters I was suppose to enter. I didn't realize I typed them there. :)

Becky said...

LOL I wondered what that was!