Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday fun!

I don't really have advise just a few places you can get some great accessories that include scarves. I also must include that most of my "fashion taste" I copy from my best.

Charlotte Russe -they also have some fun jewelry.

Rue 21 (you have to scroll to almost the bottom of the page for the scarves)

Buckle - You can find some great jeans here too. If you have a store near you go and check it out. If you're like me you are intimidated by places like this, like you don't feel "cool" enough to shop there. I found the Buckle, more than anywhere else I shop, to be more friendly and "accepting" of my uncool self :) they were so helpful and nonjudgmental, I felt safe there.


Rachel said...

You crack me up!

Beverlydru said...

Hi there! I love blog carnivals and came over from Big Mama's. HAve a great weekend!

Rachel said...

Can I stop over tomorrow after the shower and check out O's room? Not sure why I'm asking permission. I'm gonna stop by tomorrow after the shower and check out O's room.

Kaycee said...

I just stopped by from Big Mama and had to comment on not being "cool enough".

I used to feel that way when I was younger, but now that I'm older I must look like I have money because sales people are so nice to me wherever I go. Until I leave without buying anything.

Cute blog.

Big Mama said...

Thanks for the tips!