Sunday, September 28, 2008

what a weekend

I love the man I married! We went and saw Fire Proof Friday night and it was pretty good. When we left the theatre we were a little bit more in love than when we arrived. After the movie we went to Yesterdog, need I say more... Then Saturday I went to Pentwater with two of my closest friends and walked around the craft show in weather that was perfect. We had a good time laughing and finding some cool things. Today we went to Kev's folks and had a bday party for his dad, Arie. Good times. It's been a great weekend. Thank you Father for this weekend!


Anonymous said...

and the man you married loves you incredibly also!! Thank you Lord for filling our home with love,

Rachel said...

That sounds like one great weekend!

Amy Bell said...

we saw it, so powerful. we had a great talk after the movie...

i love date nights...

Rachel said...

I haven't counted you out completely yet. :)